Friday, August 28, 2009


and come we shall...

Go back a couple years to one fateful Thanksgiving Eve dinner. A family member just returned from a work related trip to New Zealand. They brought with them a monogram of an architecture firm from NZ. While gazing through the projects something clicked... This is where I want to go.

Why? I get this question a lot. Well there are a lot of reasons but really, why not? After balking at the idea for a couple years of, I finally decided to jump in. Well kind of, more like wade in but at least it's forward progress right?

For the next two weeks, my two best friends; my (not so) little brother and our neighbor growing up, will be exploring this small but amazing country. We each have our own reasons, me... architecture, my brother (Chris) film schools, Luke (neighbor)... well he's just along for the ride. I mean, how can one seriously turn down a trip to a far away land with best friends? It just shouldn't, wouldn't, couldn't happen. We're not sure what to expect or what we'll find. All we know is that this will be epic. Stay tuned.

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