Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Stay to the Left Look to the Right

For those of you who incline to visit the southern hemisphere, let me first warn you that there are unforseen things that can really mess up your day.

As we all know, when you flush a toilet down here, it flows in a counter-clockwise manner. One thing you don't here too often is that your body also has to adjust to that counter-clockwise flow (Coriolus Effect, or something like that).

Through-out our first day in Auckland, we all experienced dizzy spells. Not the "Whoa, I feel dizzy" ones, but the ones where you loose balance, knock you to the ground dizzy. Example, I was sitting on the edge of my bed talking when I got a dizzy spell and fell strait to the ground. No joke. Funny as it was, it's also a little concerning if it were to happen on the street.

The hardest thing to do in Auckland was to cross a street. This is not because they didn't have traffic signals or crazy drivers. It was the fact that back in the States we always look left to check for traffic. Here, you need to check right first. Stay left, check right. That is the phrase we say to ourselves at every intersection.

Auckland is alright not my favorite city. Fun to visit but eh... there are better places in this world. Enjoy the

1 comment:

  1. Nice job with the video! I especially like the superstar pose at the end. Keep the blog posts coming, I can' wait to hear about more of your adventures!
